Monday, January 11, 2010

Give your Life a Credit

well ..they say know what you really want to achieve, but what if you think you know what you want but you are mistaken? miss guided or miss leaded ? so all your efforts are going to the wrong direction ?

i know we all are looking for happiness. some think its in good marks ..some think its in wearing the most stylish clothes and some think its in laughter.
i guess it a combination of little nice pieces of feeling organised together to achieve an inside stability condition of mind and soul being appreciative of what you have .again appreciative , a confident that what happening with you is the most amaizing thing happening in the whole world bad things go ..they always can go worse.
your mother ..there cant be any better mother for you
your family there cant be any better familt for you
your marks there cant be any better marks for you
Yours not somebody else`s
cause the greatest thing is actually that we don`t know whats coming so me failing in my studies and attending after-school classes is the way that am going to meet the most amazing person in my life . phoenix is an imaginary bird that burns at the end of its life and then be recreated from its own ashes, you can think about it this way ..a phoenix like life . from the ashes comes the most amazing result . so todays screw ups will lead to tomorrows success.

just set back and be thankfull , write down 50 things your thankfull for ..and see the difference it wold make inside of that amaizing organ that contains all the flavours that make you who you are ..your heart ...the feeling that you have .. while you`re sitting writing and expressed by that smile you`re remembering he good things that you have and happy times all alone ..will bring you one step closer for that stable condition of mind and soul who is totally thankfull and appreciative .

so if you are really looking for happiness and trying to find it somewhere . maybe you should start looking for it inside your self and when you find it , you will attract more from the outside .


Unknown said...

7ekam 7ekam abu el neee6'!!
o yazid awal el wa9eleen lal blog o awal el comments ya m3allem

p.s la allah sa7 el eshe ylle fo2 :P

Yazid el 3ejleh yalla n9eer 97ab :P

Sajida said...

god wt a true thing u said :O
jd after reading diz im grateful 4 things i didnt realized it Actually exist..
love it it really amazing

Nidal said...

yazid :) ahlan ahlan :)

Sajida thank u very much am glad u like it
its my first post and u both gave me a good push :)

Anonymous said...

cant be expressed any better nidal, its really interesting and valuable, and a push for everyone to express in an honest way :)
Amazing :)

Nidal said...

hey thank u ur amaizing :) and thank ofr stopping buy nadia baraghitti hehehe

Anonymous said...

Dear Nidal,
I really admire you... thank you... i don't know what made me open a group on facebook then link to link to link till i opened this blog that made my day


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